Pellet Systems
Pellet Systems
Drying Systems
Drying Systems
Bagging Systems
Bagging Systems
Pellet Systems


The P300 Series are based on the same drive train and share a common chassis. This makes it possible to upgrade a unit to a higher capacity without having to replace the

Pellet Systems


The P500 series are high end production machines designed for long production cycles. The entire range is fitted with hydraulic drives for unrivalled performance with dense materials like beach and oak. The

Drying Systems

Drytec Drying System

Bourne from P-Systems design ethos of utility, the container silo was designed to have the same dimensions as a standard hooklift container. It also features the same two part hinged rear gate.

Bagging Systems


This bag palletiser consists of a gantry equipped with a robotic gripping arm. The conveyor feeding the palletiser is equipped with a row of powered square section ‘rollers’ to shake the bags

Bagging Systems

Automatic Bagger

A completely automated bagging system capable of weighing, filling and sealing a 10kg bag in 15 Seconds. The system is capable of running 24 hour duty cycle and the weight range of

Bagging Systems

Semi-automatic Bagger

Simple entry level bagging system that attaches to P-Systems cooling bins. The system is operated by compressed air. Once activated the bag is filled to a predetermined weight and the electronic scales

Hooklift System

Hooklift Container

P-Systems Hook lift system comprises of a hook lift container fitted with a hydraulic moving floor and a special unloading auger. The unloading auger is mounted on wheels and is connected to

Dust Suppression Systems

High Pressure Water

This system uses micro fine droplets of water to suppress fine dust. This system has several channels, giving dust suppression to different zones, these can be timed or continuous.

Infeed Bins

Container Silo

Bourne from P-Systems design ethos of utility, the container silo was designed to have the same dimensions as a standard hooklift container. It also features the same two part hinged rear gate.

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